Our Story


When we arrived in Costa Rica as missionaries in January 2015, we met and fell in love with the indigenous Ngäbe people. 

The Ngäbe are the primary harvesters of the Costa Rican coffee crop. This work is low-paying and seasonal, leaving families with little opportunity for income outside of the coffee season.

As a result, many Ngäbe people live in extreme poverty.

We wanted to share the Gospel with the Ngäbe people. But we knew we couldn’t do that without first addressing this practical need.

Which led us to ponder the question: How could we alleviate this poverty without introducing toxic charity?

In early 2016, our answer started to take shape when we formed our first artisan group as a means for the Ngäbe women to earn money between coffee seasons. Their first creations were traditional woven bags called chácaras that we sold to family and friends on our return trips to the United States.

Since the formation of our first artisan group in 2016, our artisans have grown in their skills, and our product line has expanded to include coffee bean jewelry and other accessories.

We’ve added more artisans. We’ve seen more lives transformed. We’ve seen our artisans grow in confidence as they realize their worth and the value of their work.

Ngäbe Creaciones is proof that God doesn’t need experts, He only needs willing servants. We are neither crafty nor particularly internet savvy, but we are passionate about helping these beautiful, marginalized people improve their standard of living.

Like any good God-sized vision, though, this work requires the support of more than just a few.

That’s why we’re so thankful for you.

Your purchase keeps these women working and earning a consistent paycheck that helps their families flourish.

God is doing amazing things among the Ngäbe people in Costa Rica. We thank you for being a part of it.

John & Ronda